Founded in 1996, Our company provides services world wide .
Our mission is to support our customers in their technological choices, whether in terms of their technological
infrastructures or their applications, to assist in the implementation and support throughout the entire process.
In 2000, our customers had new needs: Internet services. We therefore acquired the infrastructure and knowledge allowing us to offer a complete range of products and services to answer those needs. Since then, we have been able to offer the full range of services that our Customers required.
Today, we are proud to be able to count on an exceptional team of professionals working for a stable and prestigious clientele.
The head office is in Quebec City which excels in the field of high tech with one of the highest concentrations of research and technology transfer in Canada.
Our online worldwide services can assist our customers in all tech sectors worldwide.
Our worldwide business partnership also allows us to provide services on site within hours.
Our solutions are proven and guaranteed